
时间:2022-12-11 10:20:04 公文范文 来源:网友投稿




北京旅游英语作文 初二 (5000 字) 北京旅游英语作文 初二 (5000 字) During the National Day / Last week, I went to Beijing with my classmates .Beijing is very famous as the capital of China. On the first day, we went to Tian’anmen Square .We watched the flag-raising ceremony.( 升 旗 仪 式 ) My classmates and I were very excited.Then we visited the Palace Museum. It has a very long history.I bought a lot of souvenirs (纪念品)of the Palace Museum. On the second day ,we visited the Summer Palace .There the air was very fresh and the scenery (景色)was fascinating .My classmates and I had a great time .What a nice place it is ! On the third day ,we went to the Great Wall. The Great Wall is very long and old. It has millions of bricks(砖). Each brick is very big and heavy. Lots of people from different countries like climbing the Great Wall. “One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.” Finally, we climbed to the top of the Great Wall .We felt very tired but happy. The following days, we went to Wangfujing and Xiang Hill. Later, I went back with my classmates by train.I now know more about the history of China. I really enjoyed the trip to Beijing. 地点名词:Tian’anmen Square 天安门广场 the Palace Museum 故宫 the Summer Palace 颐和园 the Great Wall 长城 “One who fails to reach the Great Wall is not a hero.不到长城非好汉 荐 落 花 (300 字 ) 作 文 荐 三 、 聂 丫 丫 篇 (1100 字 ) 作 文 荐 谜 之 城 (350 字 ) 作 文 荐 有 时 , 我 也 想 做 只 逆 流 而 上 的 鱼 (1600 字 ) 作 文 荐假如世界上没有了摩擦(600 字)作文


我去北京旅游英语作文 下面是由小编为大家整理的关于我去北京旅游英语作文,欢迎阅读参考。希望可以帮助到你。

  篇一: Mytravelingplan IhopetogoonatriptoBeijing,butmymotheralwaystellsme"youcan"t".ShethinksIamtooyoungtogotoBeijing,andIamtoobusyatschool. Thistermisover,Tomysurprise,mymotherwi 波lltakemetoamveryex 方 cited! ThenIhaveat Ⅴ raveingplanforthis 溲 trip:firstlyIwillg 臻otothetian"anmensq 浣 uare,Iwilltakemany 产pictures,thenIamgo 赏 ingtothepalacemuse 狡um,Icanseemanyoldb 管 uilds,Iamgoingtoth 镓ewangfujingstreet, 噌 wewillbuymanything 届s,forexample,foods 聩 ,clothesandsomeIwi 枝llgohome.IthinkIwi 麇 llhaveagreattripto 捱 Beijing 翻译: 我的旅行计划 趼 我希望去北京旅游,但是我的妈妈总是  告诉我“你不行”.她认为我太年轻,去 琛 北京,和我在学校太忙了.这学期已经结 矾束,让我惊讶的是,我妈妈会带我去北京 珉 .我很兴奋!然后我有一个旅游计划这次 毁 旅行: 首先我要去天安门广场,我会拍 酾 很多照片,然后我要去故宫博物馆,在那 娩 里我可以看见许多旧的基础.其次,我去 呛 王府井大街,我们会买很多东西,例如, 镔 食物,衣服,有些书我会回家.我想我将 虔 有一个伟大的北京之旅。

  篇二: In 详 themorning,youcans 瑶 tartthedayattheGre 郴atWall.It"soneofth  egreatestwondersin 颥theworld.It"ssomag 易 nificentthatyoucan "tgotoBeijingwitho  utvisitingtheGreat 伧Wall.Atnoon,youcan 囊 gototheSummerPalac 酬 e. Therearesomanyi 伫 nterestingsites,su 皿chasWanshouMountai 尔 n,KunmingLake,Suzh 瓢ouStreet,andsomeot 囵 herancientpalaces. SoyoucanclimbWansh  ouMountainfirst.Th 铌eviewonthetopissow 优 onderful. Next,you ㄒ cangoboatingonKunm  ingLake,andthen,wa 乡 lkonSuzhouStreetto 暇 enjoythelifeofregi onssouthoftheYangt  zeRiver.Intheafter noon,youcangotohav れ ealongwalkonTianan 疱manSquare,inordert  oseethecitywell,an ★dthenyoucanvisitth 仉 ePalaceMuseum.Ther 姘eyoucanseedifferen  tobjectsofdifferen 寻 tperiods. Theyareo 呈 fgreatvalue.Inthee 垣 vening,theFrontGat 囝eWalkingStreetisag  oodplacetogowherey 金oucanbuyvariouskin 砦 dsofsouvenirsandcl 药othes.Mostbuilding 筚 stherehavethetradi 羚tionalChinesestyle 嘘 s. Maybeyoucanknow 垲 somehistoryofancie 亢 ntBeijing. 早晨你可以从长 醴 城开始新的一天。

  它是世界上最伟大的 榀 奇观之一。

  太壮观了,壮观到去北京不 欹 能不去参观长城。

  中午,你可以去颐和 暗 园。有那么多名胜古迹,如万寿山,昆明  湖,苏州街,以及其他的一些古老宫殿。


  山顶的景色是很美  丽的。之后你可以去昆明湖划船,然 后, 镘 走在苏州街来享受长江以南地区的生活。

  下午,你可以去天安门广场上散步,为了 趿 更好的看清楚这个城市,接下来你可以参 舴 观故宫博物馆。

  在那里你可以看到不同  时期不同的物体。他们是很有价值的。晚 缯 上,前门步行街是一个很好的地方,在那 项 里可以买到各种纪念品和衣服。那里的大 燎 多数建筑物都是中国传统风格。

  也许你 匆 可以了解到一些古老的北京城的历史。



有关介绍北京的英语作文如风俗小吃景点等 【篇一:2015 北京中考各区一模英语作文精华】 【作文题目】 假如你叫李华,你的美国朋友 emily 通过邮件想了解使你发生改变的人。请你谈谈他/ 她是谁,发生了什么令你改变的事,以及你的感受 1. who has changed you? your parents? a teacher? a friend or a stranger....? 2. what happened to you? 3. what have you learned from the change? 【参考范文】 hi! emily, i’m glad to hear from you. there is no doubt that i have changed a lot since i became a middle schoolstudent, and linda is the person who has changed me the most. last term, i did not like running. one day we had a relay race in p.e. class. i hesitated about whether tojoin in the game or not. at that time, it was linda who came to me and told me not to worry. therefore, idecided to join them. while running, i could hear my heart beating fast and i could hardly breathe. just wheni wanted to give up, i heard someone cheering on me and found that it was linda. i regained my strength andkept running to the finishing line. with linda’s encouragement and trust, i practiced running every day after school from then on. it is shewho makes me believe that i have the ability to challenge myself to do something beyond my reach. yours, li hua 【作文题目】根据中文提示和英文海报内容,写出意思连贯、符合于 逻辑、不少于 50 词的短文,所给的英文提示词仅供选用。请不要出现真实的学校、班级和姓名。假如你叫李华,你的美国笔友想知道你有什么好的学习或生活习惯?你是如何养成这个习惯的? 它跟你带来什么益处?请你根据他的问题回复邮件。

  what good habit do you have? how do you develop it? what benefits does it bring you? 【作文范文】 hi! tom, nice to hear from you. i want to tell you a good habit i have started.i enjoy reading english novels for halfan hour every day. i used to have difficulties in learning english. my teacher suggests reading englishnovels. amazingly, it worked!to develop this habit, i often took a book with me so that i could read at any time. also, i often wrote downnew words i saw. little by little, i fell in love with reading english novels and reading became part of my life. i enjoyed it. i really benefit a lot from my reading habit. reading makes me a wise man as well as helps with myenglish studies. i am sure reading books will become my lifelong activity. yours, lihua 【作文题目】 假设你叫 lily, 你的一位美国网友 helen 在她的博客里提到最近她和她的好朋友 之间产生了矛盾。她不知道自己是否做错了什么?她该怎么做才能与这位朋友重 归于好?请你给她一些建议,并谈谈你对于“ 好朋友” 的理解。

   last monday my best friend judy got a high score in the math test. she was very happy and wanted me to see a movie with her to celebrate. i lold her that i wasnt interested in the movie and refused her. actually, i wanted to prepare for a speech competition. as a result, she was angry with me and didnt talk to me any more. did i do anything wrong? what should i do to repair our friendship? what do you think a true friend should be like? 【参考范文】 hi helen, i’m sorry to hear about your trouble. don’t worry. it’s quite common for friends to misunderstand each other. i think there is nothing wrong for you to prepare for the competition, but you made a mistake when you lied to judy.here is some advice for you to repair your friendship. first of all, you’d better talk to her and say sorry for your dishonesty. then, you should tell her the truth and explain to her how important the speech competition was to you. if she refused to talk to you, you can write a letter or find another friend to help you. as long as you try your best and show you care much about your friendship, i believe she will understand you. as an old saying goes “a friend in need is a friend indeed”, i think true friends should help and understand each other, and honesty comes first in friendship. i hope you can be good friends again. yours, lily 2015 朝阳中考一模英语作文 【作文题目】 【参考范文】 everyone has his own dream. i want to be a good doctor in the future. the reason is that some doctors saved my life after i was badly hurt in a traffic accident. i was deeply impressed by their medical skils and greatly moved by their care for me. from then on, to be a doctor in the future has always been my dream. our dreams can’t be realized unless we make all our efforts. therefore, the first thing i will do is to remember what my dream is. i won’t let it leave my mind, because it will help me to keep trying and fighting for what i want. what’s more, i will do my best to increase my knowledge and improve my abilities to prepare myself for an excellent doctor. last but not least, i will never give up. though there may be difficulties on the road to my dream, i will always feel confident and work hard. 【2015 北京丰台区初三一模】 【 【 作文题目】 根据中文大意和英文提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于50 词的回信。信的开头和结尾已给出, 其字数不计入所要完成的回信内。所给英文提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。

   66. 假如你叫李明,你的美国笔友 mike 通过邮件,想知道在初中阶段你最想感谢的人是谁,如:你的 父母,你的老师,你的朋友等。请根据他邮件中提出的问题回复邮件。

   who do you want to thank most, your father/mother/your teacher/your friend/ or....? what is he/she like? why do you want to thank him/her? 提示词语:kind, patient, help, encourage, remember 【写作范文】 i’m glad to hear from you. in my life, lots of people have helped me when i was in trouble and i want to thank them all, but the one i want to thank most is ms. wang. ms. wang is my english teacher. she is kind and friendly. she is not only our teacher but also our friend. in class, she teaches us how to learn english well. while after class, she talks with us about her favorite pop stars happily. she is also hardworking. she always makes her class so interesting that i like to have her class a lot. what’s more, she is patient with all students. if i have some problems with english study, she will explain them to me again and again tiill i can solve them on my own. little by little, my english has made much progress. so i thank her very much. soon, i will leave this school,but i will never forget her. i thank her and i want to be a person like her. 【篇二:2015 年北京各区高三一模英语作文题目及答案汇总】 海淀: 第四部 分:书面表达(共两节,35 分) 第一节 (15 分) 假设你是校图书馆馆长的学生助理李华,图书馆要进行网络系统升级,请在阅览室向在场的留学生口头通知相关事宜,并请他们转告其他留学生。

   1 .时间:2015 年 年 5 月 月 1 日至 5 月 月 10 日。

   2 .在此期间,关闭阅览室、暂停电子阅览。

   3 .仅周二和周五可以借、还图书。

   注意:1 .词数不少于 50。


   2 .可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

   one possible version: hello everybody! may i have your attention? the library will soon be carrying out an update of the internet system. i would like everybody to know that between the dates of 1st may and 10th may, the reading room will be closed and the e-reading system will be temporarily stopped. you will only be able to take out and return books on tuesdays and fridays. please pass on this message to those who are not here today. thank you all. (80 words) 第一节 (20 分) 假设你是红星中学高二(1 )班的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,为校刊“ 英语园地” 写一篇短文,记述寒假期 间你在中国国家博物馆做志愿讲解员的经历。

   注意:1. 词数不少于 60。


   2. 短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数。

   during this winter vacation, i worked as a volunteer guide in the national museum of china. 四、one possible version: during this winter vacation, i worked as a volunteer guide in the national museum of china. it was an extremely unforgettable opportunity. a few days before the vacation, i applied for the job online. not long after, i was lucky enough to be given the job. then i attended a 5-day training course as soon as the vacation began. i was taught how to be both an informative and entertaining tour guide. this was very useful, as i had not done this type of work before. after that, every day over the following two weeks, i gave tours around the silk road exhibition, which gave an interesting insight into china’s past. i was delighted to be praised for being an outstanding volunteer at the end of the vacation. 西城:第四部分:书面表达(共两节,35 分) 第一节(15 分) 你得知故宫免费对教师开放,于是给你校外教写一封邮件。请包括以下内容: 1. 开放时间:每月的第一个周三; 2. 订票方式:提前 10 天网上预约; 3. 入场条件:出示教师证。

   注意: 1 .词数不少于 50; ; 2 .可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3 .开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

   参考词汇: 教师证 teacher identity card dear tom, ___________________________________________________________________________ yours, jerry 三、one possible version: dear tom, you’ve mentioned that you want to visit the forbidden city for its rich history and unique architecture. so i’m writing to share some good news with you! yesterday i happened to read about the free admittance to the forbidden city. it is open to teachers for free on the first wednesday of every month. but you have to make an online reservation 10 days in advance. on the day of your visit, you will be asked to present your teacher identity card. wish you a pleasant trip! yours, jerry 西城:第二节(20 分) 假如你是红星中学学生李华。最近你代表你班参加了学校的汉字听写大赛(chinese character dictation competition ) 。请根据下面四于 幅图写一篇英文日记。词数不少于 60。


   四、one possible version: last week our teacher announced that a chinese character dictation competition would be held in the auditorium on april 3. many of us were interested and hoped to participate, but only one competitor was allowed for each class. luckily, i got the chance. in the following days, i busied myself preparing for the competition. my classmates all volunteered to help. some of them dictated to me various characters they found in the dictionary while others offered to check my answers. as the competition was approaching, i felt more and more confident. the day finally came. some characters were so challenging that many of the competitors got stuck while i was able to write down most of them and won the first prize. when i was standing excitedly on the stage, pictures of my classmates helping and encouraging me flashed into my mind. the victory and honor belonged to all of us. 丰台:第...

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